street children, social research, public health.Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyze the social representations concerning house and street of boys with life experience in the street. The research was developed in light of the social approach of qualitative research in the health area. As a methodological principle, the social representations were extracted from the speech of a group of boys sheltered in a public institution.The results were analyzed through the content analysis technique - thematic modality, and showed that the social representations of house and street are built based on contradictory elements, i.e., the house, represented by the shelter, provides part of the family bonds, and the street is considered, at the same time, a freedom space and a place of privations. The conclusion is that the elaboration of health programs for boys and girls who live and/or work in the street is
quite a complex task, as it is not possible to think about isolated health actions. It is necessary to search for partnerships with different institutions.
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