On the affiliation of Freudian vocabulary to the vocabulary of neurology: the case of Übertragung
Freud, Neurology, Übertragung, Transference, ExcitationAbstract
This article addresses the transition from neurology to psychoanalysis in Freud’s work through a historical-conceptual analysis of his vocabulary. First, we note words essential to Freudian theory in neurological texts, namely Übertragung, Erregung and Reiz. Then, comparing the Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895) with The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), we observe the permanence of neurological terms in Freud’s psychoanalytic vocabulary, but this involves a series of lexical shifts: in psychoanalysis, neurophysiological terms maintain their functionalist meaning, rather than their anatomical one, which marks the epistemological specificity of Freud’s scientific enterprise.
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