The leprosy and sensitivities of an ex-inmate from the Colony of Itanhenga in Espírito Santo




Leprosy, Stigma, Diseases, Compulsory isolation


This article tells the story of leprosy patients, people who have lived segregated, compulsorily hospitalized in an asylum institution, due to a disease that is still stigmatized today. This work is the result of research carried out in an old colony of lepers, the Itanhenga Colony, now Pedro Fontes Hospital, in Cariacica, Espírito Santo.
 In the old leprosarium, based on stigma and compulsory isolation, we interviewed patients, physicians and local staff members. There we find a scenario originally designed by social exclusion, and loss of family ties by patients. However we also find surprising reports of overcoming, stories of ex-inmates that circumvented the disease and the consequences of isolation within the leprosy itself. For this analysis, we used the history of one of the patients residing in the facilities of the ancient leper of Itanhenga. From the excerpts of some excerpts from the interview, we try to demonstrate not only the negative effects of isolation and exclusion on this patient, but the story of someone who knew how to circumvent the disease and the impositions of a policy to combat the disease. Our interviewee is one among so many patients who despite the illness and isolation were able to circumvent the disease and its effects, transforming that place of isolation into a place of welcome and a new life.


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Author Biographies

  • Sebastião Pimentel Franco, UFES

    Degree in History from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1977). Bachelor in Museology from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1981). Master in Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1994). PhD in Social History from the University of São Paulo (2001). Post-Doctorate in History from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2013). He is currently a Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Vocational Science in Technology and Education at Vale do Cricaré College. He is a holder of the Federal University of Espírito Santo where he acted as professor / researcher and currently works in the Post-Graduation Program in Social History of Political Relations. Area of ​​activity: Study of public policies in the area of ​​education implemented by the imperial and republican governments, History of medicine, with emphasis on the history of health and social representation of diseases and History of Brazil and Espírito Santo in the Eighth. Participant in the Research Group History, Power and Languages.

  • Simone Santos Almeida Silva, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

    Post-doctorate in the Post-graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), as FAPES / CAPES Scholarship Fellow. PhD in History of Science and Health - Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / FIOCRUZ-RJ. Master of Science in Religion from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2003). Graduation in History by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (2000). Member of the research group "The physical, mental and moral in the history of medical and psychological knowledge" (House of Oswaldo Cruz / Fiocruz). Researches and works developed in the area of ​​History of Brazil, Modern and Contemporary History. Research the following themes: history, history of the sciences and health, medical knowledge between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, psi knowledge, history of diseases. He develops research on leprosy in Brazil, participating in the project: Inventory and organization of documentation of Pedro Fontes Itanhenga Hospital. UFES Vitória / ES. The purpose of the project is initially to inventory the documents related to the operation of the Pedro Fontes Hospital as well as to gather testimony from former inmates, relatives, doctors, and employees collecting data on the daily life of the colony and the functioning of this asylum institution. Secondly, it is intended to gather all collected material so that it is available on the PPGHIS / UFES website, to all researchers on the subject of leprosy disease, currently called leprosy.





Dossiê “História das doenças e artes de curar"

How to Cite

Franco, S. P., & Silva, S. S. A. (2018). The leprosy and sensitivities of an ex-inmate from the Colony of Itanhenga in Espírito Santo. Khronos, 6, 14.