Japanese Immigration's Centennial (1908-2008)

Tribute given at the Institute of Engineering to the first hundred "Nikkei" trained in São Paulo


  • Marcel Mendes Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie




Centenary of japanese immigration, Institute od Engineering, Nikkeis


In celebration of the Japanese Immigration’s Centennial (1908-2008), this article pays tribute to the first 100 nikkei engineers graduated in São Paulo. To this end, some questions have been proposed, aiming at reflecting on the path of these professionals: what do the schools of Engineering in São Paulo have to say about their former “Nikkei” students? Would that be possible to identify common traces of identity to these citizens from “the Land of the Rising Sun”, who one day wanted to become engineers in Brazil? How many fragments of the past must be rescued in this moment of celebration? In order to answer these questions, this essay establishes the following investigative route: the rescue of the early days, the way to upward mobility, the pioneering role during the 1930’s and the highlights of a free universe. At the end, final considerations are made, greeting personalities who stood out in the scenario approached in the text.


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How to Cite

Mendes, M. (2018). Japanese Immigration’s Centennial (1908-2008): Tribute given at the Institute of Engineering to the first hundred "Nikkei" trained in São Paulo. Khronos, 6, 8. https://doi.org/10.11606/khronos.v0i6.150751