Computadores, matemática e significado




Computer, Non-formal learning of mathematics, Pedagogy, Philosophical thought, Epistemology


The computer graphical interface gives access to hidden mathematical reality. It is herein suggested that using experimental setups with numbers, students can think about major philosophical questions concerning reality. Furthermore, it is also proposed that such non-formal learning processes can promote common sense wisdom, developing intellectual maturity and personality during adolescence.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Castro, Universidade de Lisboa. Centro de Filosofia das Ciências

    I graduated in Anthropology at University Nova de Lisboa in 1996. In 2014 I obtained my PhD in Philosophy at the University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, proposing an Epistemology of Choice related to the existence of free will and the impossibility of mechanically simulating human intelligence in AI. In 2015 I joined the Philosophy of Natural Sciences Research Group, at CFCUL, working on Philosophy of Quantum Physics. Three years after, defending a return to scientific realism in physics and a unification between the quantum and macroscopic scales, I started working on the Philosophy of Pilot wave theories. Although this is my main theme of research, I keep reflecting on Artificial Intelligence present implications, on the limitations of algorithmic thought and on AI ethics.


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How to Cite

Castro, P. (2022). Computadores, matemática e significado . Khronos, 13, 157-166.