Localists’ views on cholera in the 19th century: Translation of the Communiqué of the Health Council of the Kingdom of Bavaria published in 1873


  • José Antônio de Freitas Sestelo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Jael Glauce da Fonseca Universidade Federal da Bahia




Social Medicine; History; Public health


It presents a Portuguese version of excerpts from the Communiqué of the Health Council of the Kingdom of Bavaria to the Population of Munich, originally published in German after the second great cholera epidemic in the city in 1854. The fifth edition of the text was used as the primary source, authored by Max von Pettenkofer, published in 1873. After a brief introduction, excerpts from the text are presented with comments based on concepts of Social Medicine.


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How to Cite

Sestelo, J. A. de F., & Fonseca, J. G. da. (2023). Localists’ views on cholera in the 19th century: Translation of the Communiqué of the Health Council of the Kingdom of Bavaria published in 1873. Khronos, 14, 44-64. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-2158.i14p44-64