Fundamentos y tensiones del sistema político moderno - Comentario a la obra de David Easton, Esquema para el análisis político


  • Pablo de San Román Universidad Nacional del Litoral



This paper focuses on the political theory of David Easton and the impact his ideas had to understand the political system and social relations in modern times. Inquires about the concept of "authoritative allocation of value" and the construction of an ideology that explains the political order as "persistence of authority". Analyzes the particularities of this system, and the ways that shape and justify hierarchical relationships within it.

It emphasizes the value of the political system as an instance of conflict resolution originated in the distribution of some scarce goods, collectively valued, whose distributional effects, although changing the pattern of existing relations, are globally accepted. The questions raised by this work are: what conditions allow this acceptance? How the political system manages the imposition of costs, and what situations pose a challenge to his authority? How can these tensions invalidate the legitimacy the system?

The paper contains a methodology section that explains Easton's contribution to the social and political theory. To the construction of a "narrative scheme" that analyzes the significance of behaviors and stimuli that significantly impact the political system. These considerations refer to the first part of the work A framework for political analysis, taken as a reference for carrying out this work.


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Author Biography

  • Pablo de San Román, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
    Doctor en Ciencia Política por el Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset de Madrid, profesor de Análisis Político de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, e investigador del Centro de Investigaciones Sociales de esta Universidad





Political Theory

How to Cite

Fundamentos y tensiones del sistema político moderno - Comentario a la obra de David Easton, Esquema para el análisis político. (2012). Leviathan (São Paulo), 5, 82-93.