Writing as a Revelation of the ‘Self’
Writing, Autobiography, Pragmatic Analysis, Confidence, Dialogism.Abstract
To begin with, we are going to focus on some characteristic traits of intimate writing, on the temporal demands of retrospective narration, from the fragmentary to the discontinuous, from the ambition of revisiting the past, to the risk of forgetting. We will then, according to a pragmatic perspective, focus our attention on the act of confiding, specifically enclosed within the space of autobiographical writing. This act, which provides a revelation of the self, both seeks and sustains a communicative sharing. By analyzing different texts, which represent the different textual genres, we intend to show the discursive signs which are characteristic of this form of expression, which is on the one hand, intimate and fragmented on the one hand, while dialogic on the other hand; resulting from the permeability, the porosity of these processes and revealing the composite dimension of this writing practice.Downloads
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