Semantic and Morphological Approach to Computer Terms in a Bilingual Dictionary Portuguese European - Arabic Standard




Morphological-Semantic Interfaces, Compositional Model, Semic Frames, Terminological Subfields, Terminological Semantics


This article discusses the semantics and morphology of terms commonly used in computer science, in a bilingual perspective European Portuguese - Standard Arabic. It dealt with 20 terminological units all borrowed from the predominant language in this domain of experience, English, and translated literally by standard Arabic. It was applied to these units, previously grouped in terminological sets, Pottier's component analysis to decompose the meaning that reveals the semantic nature of their concepts. The morphological analysis is only a formal aspect that completes the semantic part, in the case of Portuguese, with the purpose of describing the degree of morphological adaptation when there is variation of form in the terms involved. As for the Arabic terminological phrases in focus, which correspond to the crude borrowings of Portuguese as a source language and which are semantic decals, these are accompanied, in the corpus of exemplification, by the grammatical descriptions of the simple unit bases from which they derive.


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How to Cite

OKAB, Abdesslam. Semantic and Morphological Approach to Computer Terms in a Bilingual Dictionary Portuguese European - Arabic Standard. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 33, n. 1, p. 31–48, 2020. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v33i1p31-48. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.