Style and Stylistics in Bakhtin and Volóchinov: perspectives in dialogue
perspectives in dialogue
Statement, Expressiveness, Social Assessment, Dialogical Perspective, GenreAbstract
This article deals with the contribution of the Bakthin Circle to the study of style, specifically in the works of Bakhtin and Volóchinov. For that, we selected some of his main works dedicated to this discussion and raised how the theme is presented in each of them, based on a chronological order of publication. The results demonstrate that, in a dialogical perspective, throughout the the coursework, the concept of style presents peculiar authorial accents that range from the notion of finishing the work, of social valuation to its constitution in the discursive genre. Finally, the dialogue between the authors – and with them – allows us to better understand their conceptions about style, relate them to previous approaches and present them as another important perspective to be investigated, considering their contribution to these studies.
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