Argumentative reading in school: teaching proposals based on the interactional perspective of argumentation
Reading Comprehension, Argumentation, Dialogue Model, TeachingAbstract
Argumentative reading is a field that still lacks specific studies in Brazil and abroad. This article aims at discussing how this reading type can be conceived and realized in Portuguese language classes in Elementary School, both in a theoretical and practical scope, based on two professional master’s level studies in Languages/UFS (Federal University of Sergipe), São Cristóvão campus. Methodologically, these exploratory and interventionist studies, carried out between 2018 and 2019 by two teachers/researchers, were combined in order to indicate how reading in an interactional perspective can be articulated with the dialogue model of argumentation envisioning the promotion of reading practices for argumentative texts. The results enabled us to establish six guiding principles for the development of argumentative reading in basic education.
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