A cross-cultural discourse analysis of the way readers are constructed in textbooks





Discourse analysis , Foreign language textbooks , Deictics, Functionalizations , Japan


Cross-cultural discourse analysis (CCDA) provides a theoretical framework for comparing discourse genres within different discourse communities. In this paper, I adopt this theoretical framework to examine the genre of foreign language textbooks, comparing coursebooks of English and French as foreign languages used in Japanese high schools between 2017 and 2018. The former were created mostly by Japanese authors, while the latter have been produced by Japanese and French authors. I argue that some differences might depend on this factor and thus research can rely on CCDA to address them. More specifically, I propose a study focused on how textbook authors address their readers/learners, exploring the use of deictics on the enunciative level (KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, [1999]2014) and of noun phrases creating functionalizations on a sociolinguistic level (VAN LEEUWEN, 2008). The results of the contrastive analysis show two different practices: on the one hand, an inclusion that takes place between the (mainly Japanese) authors of the English textbooks and their readers, on the other hand, a certain exclusion which occurs through the frequent reminder of the school context by the authors of the French textbooks (both French and Japanese).


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Author Biography

  • Martina Ronci, Université Paris Cité

    Doctorat en Sciences du Langage (Université Paris Cité). M2 Recherche en Didactique du FLE et des langues du monde, illettrisme et alphabétisation (Université Paris Descartes). Mention très bien. M1 Professionnel Didactique du Français Langue Étrangère (Université Paris Descartes). Mention très bien. Licence en Médiation Linguistique Interculturelle (faculté pour Interprètes et traducteurs, Université de Bologne – Italie), 105/110. Co-organisation (avec Patricia von Münchow et Vanessa Münch) et support technique de la Journée d’études internationale « Discours et Corps » (novembre 2021, Université de Paris) Membre du comité d’organisation des Webinaires « Virtual Rendez-Vous » (IARTEM, INDIRE, IUL). Présentation de la conférence de Brian Tomlinson aux côtés de Elaine Anderson et Eilean von Lautz-Cauzanet en septembre 2021.


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How to Cite

RONCI, Martina. A cross-cultural discourse analysis of the way readers are constructed in textbooks. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 35, n. 2, p. 33–53, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v35i2p33-53. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/linhadagua/article/view/190146.. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.