Contributions of the hydronymic study of Tocantins: from official documents to the classroom
Hydronymy, Tocantins, Toponymy, Pedagogical proposalAbstract
In this paper, we present the contributions of the hydronymic study of Tocantins (Brazil) — Araguaia and Tocantins rivers — from official documents to the context of the classroom. As a methodological approach, we present a documentary investigation and a bibliographic survey based on the onomasiological research plan, according to the method of onomastic research. Therefore, the hypotheses established allow us to know the peculiarities of the toponymic names analyzed in this study. The results obtained point out that the study of the rivers of Tocantins from the perspective of toponymy opens the possibility to understand, in an interdisciplinary way, aspects related to the culture, identity, memory, and economy of the region.
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