The relationship between text grammar and writing in Spanish first language curricula




Text Grammar, writing, Metalinguistic Reflection, Curricular Analysis, First Languages


The inclusion of discursive approaches to first language teaching in Spanish Primary and Secondary curricula took place in the 90s, in line with other developments that took place at the same time. The aim was to change directions and place language teaching on the development of learners' discursive abilities. In this manner, the language sciences, which dealt with the text as a linguistic-communicative unit, were thus called upon. Particularly complex and controversial was the articulation of grammatical content at the service of discursive skills. After the time that has elapsed, in this article we analyse what grammar text contents have been established in the Spanish curricula of first languages (Castilian, Catalan, Galician, Basque, Aragonese and Asturian), what methodological approach is advocated in relation to them, and what relations are established with the writing of texts.


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Author Biography

  • Carmen Rodríguez-Gonzalo, Universitat de València

    Doctora en Didáctica de la Lengua - Universitat de València (2011).
    Professora en Universitat de València (España).


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ-GONZALO, Carmen. The relationship between text grammar and writing in Spanish first language curricula. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 36, n. 2, p. 73–89, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v36i2p73-89. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jul. 2024.

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