The words of the political opponent: 'represented discourse' as an expression of opinion
Sociolinguistics, Subjectivity, Point of View, Ideology, ManipulationAbstract
This paper aims to analyze how the political speaker resorts to quoting the opponent's words to convey his own ideology. To this end, the speaker manifests subjectivity via several linguistic resources. Our theoretical framework is supported by enunciative concepts such as "represented discourse" (Rabatel, 2003) and "point of view" (Rabatel, 1998). Ideological aspects are approached according to Thompson's (1990) sociolinguistic proposal on the modes of operation of ideology. The methodology focuses on the linguistic analysis of excerpts drawn from three political speeches delivered at the UN. Thus, the scope of the study is to characterize the linguistic inscription of subjectivity as present in the sample. On the basis of the results, we demonstrate how quoting allows the speaker to introduce two contradictory points of view by assuming a certain degree of responsibility towards the words summoned up by means of "mental process verbs" (Rabatel, 2003) which convey opinions and emotions.
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