Impacts of the curricular component ‘Argumentation in Education’ on argumentative competence and on the handling of potentially argumentative methodologies by teachers-to-be
Teacher training, Argumentation, Argumentative competence, EducationAbstract
The present study investigated the impacts of Pedagogy students’ participation in the elective curricular component ‘Argumentation in Education,’ which proposes to develop the necessary skills to argument, as well as to build and mediate argumentative didactic strategies in educational environments. By observing students during an undergraduate semester, our objectives involved investigating the impacts on argumentative competence, along with the appropriation of pedagogical content knowledge related to the handling of argumentation. The analysis pointed to improvements in the quality of the argument elaboration, in addition to the refinement of reflective thinking. Additionally, students demonstrated improvements in planning and designing potentially argumentative practices, in the use of different discursive actions during the mediation of the practical teaching activity, likewise a degree of appropriation of Dialogical Teaching principles. Such results indicate that the combination of elements present in the curricular component (curricula, methodologies, culture, and teacher’s posture) was essential for the development observed.
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