
Ouvrir une session ou (S'inscrire) pour faire une soumission.

Directives aux auteurs

Initial information:

In order to submit texts to Linha D'Água (USP, Brazil), authors must check that their manuscripts comply with the items listed below. Non-compliant submissions will be subject to editorial rejection.

Submissions must be made by only one author, who will inform, if applicable, the details of co-authors. All authors must be registered with ORCiD, which must be provided with submission. Important: the journal accepts a maximum of three authors per contribution.

The author responsible for the submission must state in the comments to the editor:

  1. the thematic issue to which the text is being submitted;
  2. the contribution of each author to the production of the article in the comments to the editor.

Linha D'Água welcomes original and unpublished texts. Manuscripts that already have been submitted to other journals are not accepted. All texts are submitted to a similarity check program, as stated in the Ethics Policy and Regulations.

Submission of a manuscript implies that:

  1. the text has not been previously published;
  2. the text is not under evaluation by any other journal and/or book;
  3. the version submitted has been approved by all the co-authors;
  4. the version is in agreement with all those involved in its development.




In order to submit, the author must have a profile registered at Linha D'Água.

  • If you already have a profile, go to the 'Login' button on the menu bar and provide your login details. If you have forgotten your password, you can change it. When you access the system, click on: "Nova submissão".
  • If you do not have a profile, go to the “Register” button in the menu bar and then fill in the required information. When you access the system, click on: "Make a submission".


To submit, you need to follow these five steps:

  • Start: Confirm that you agree with the conditions laid down by the journal by checking the checkboxes for the conditions and the copyright statement. Select the section/issue to which you intend to submit the text.
  • Inclusion of metadata: indicate your personal info - first name, last name, e-mail address, ORCID, institutional affiliation, country, summary of biography (include highest degree and current professional activity), title of submission, abstract, keywords (insert one at a time). Finally, indicate whether the research is funded by any agency. Funding includes scientific initiation, masters or doctoral scholarships (national and international), as well as productivity grants and international projects. Indicate the name of the funding agency and the file number.
    IMPORTANT: i. In the surname field, enter only the citation surname; other surnames, if you have them, should be entered in the same field as the name; ii. In the institution field, enter the full name of the institution without the acronym (e.g. "Universidade de São Paulo").
  • Transfer of originals: transfer the file in an editable word document (.doc or .docx). Do not attach a PDF document.
  • Transfer of supplementary documents: transfer files with supplementary information that functions as an appendix or annex to the main text, such as research instruments, data and tables, which follow ethical evaluation standards, sources of information not normally available to readers or figures and/or tables that cannot be integrated into the text. If the text includes figures/images, please also include them as separate files, in order to guarantee their quality in the event of approval and potential publication.
  • Confirmation: Complete the submission.


After completing the five steps, the author will receive an automatic e-mail from the system confirming that we received the submission. The author will be able to follow the flow of their work (from submission, evaluation, acceptance, re-editing of the original to publication) through the system.


Submission modalities:


These are scientific papers with a new and original theme and contribution, based on scientific research and supported by other scientific studies.

✓   |   Open to submission
✓   |   Double-blinded review
✓   |   Guest editor's invitation



These are a summary of a work followed by critical comments on its content and indications of its contribution to a particular area in these texts.

✓   |   Open to submission
✓   |   Double-blinded review
✓   |  Guest editor's invitation



They consist of texts that seek information about a particular area from the point of view of researchers who have made an impact in that area.

      |   Open to submission
✓   |   Double-blinded review
✓   |  Guest editor's invitation



These are Portuguese versions of articles originally published in a foreign language. This type of submission is conditioned upon invitations from guest editors, given the bureaucratic process involved in obtaining translation authorization.

      |   Open to submission
      |   Double-blinded review
✓   |  Guest editor's invitation



Editorial workflow:

The editorial flowchart - which can be viewed here - was defined based on the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Reviewers are chosen by the guest editors of each issue and/or by the journal's editors based on the journal's Scientific Council and ad hoc reviewers.

For more information, please see the 'Editorial Policy' tab.



General settings of the submitted file:



Pre-textual elements

It is suggested that articles have a minimum length of 5,000 and a maximum of 9,000 words.

Submit the article as a Word document (.doc or .docx). PDF submissions will not be accepted.



  1. Page: A4 format; no numbering, top and bottom margins: 3 cm; right and left: 2 cm.
  2. Font: Body text - Times New Roman, size 12. Direct quotations - Times New Roman, size 11. Footnotes - Times New Roman, size 10.
  3. Spacing:5 between lines and paragraphs, no spacing before or after.
  4. First line indentation: The first line of each paragraph of text should be typed 1.25 cm apart. Direct quotations should be indented by 4 cm with 6pt spacing afterwards.
  5. Charts, tables and figures should be in the body of the text and in good resolution. Appendices are restricted to extra material. For annexes that are already published texts, include a full bibliography.
  6. Sections: sections should be numbered, except: (1) introduction/first thoughts; (2) conclusion/final thoughts; and (3) references. Leave a blank line before the title of each section of the article.

File template for original articles available here.
Click on the 'File' tab and download the file.


First page

  1. Title: it must be aligned on left side of the page with no indentation; only the initial of the first word of the title in capital letters or proper nouns; bold; Title in second language (Portuguese, Spanish, French or English) must be in italics, on the line below the original title. Font 14, Times New Roman.
  2. Name(s) of the author(s): it must appear below the title, aligned to the right without bold. It should be single-spaced between lines and in font size 11. The information should follow the structure:
    1. Author's name.
    2. Institution in full.
    3. E-mail address.
    4. ORCiD
    5. Funding agency (if relevant)
    6. Funding file number (if relevant)
      Gabriel Isola-Lanzoni
      University of São Paulo
      CAPES scholarship holder
      Process number: XXXXXXX
      The article must indicate authorship. The journal’s editorial office staff will carry out anonymization.
  1. Abstract: it must be a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 200. The text must be single-spaced between the lines, with a font size of 10. It must be located below the authors' names, with no indentation on the first line. The second language version of the abstract should be included with the same formatting.
  2. Keywords: it must be inserted one line below the abstract. Please, indicate each keyword with the initial capital letter. The words must be separated by semicolons. Do not include in the keywords terms that already exist in the title of the article. You must include an second language version of the keywords with the same formatting. In the submission system, fill in the keywords one by one in Metadata. Press Enter after each keyword. Do not copy and paste all the words at once, as this makes it difficult for Internet search engines to retrieve the content.
  3. All texts must have a title, abstract and keywords in English. In texts that the main language is Spanish or French, authors must also provide a version of the title, abstract and keywords in English. The submission of these items in Portuguese is optional in these cases.
  4. Text: all sections and subsections must be numbered, with the exception of the introduction/opening remarks, conclusions/final remarks, references and annexes. Sections should be in font size 12, bold, aligned to the left with no indentation on the first line.



Post-textual elements



All references cited in the body of the text should be presented in the list of References at the end of the text.

For texts submitted in Portuguese, the most recent version of the ABNT guide should be used. 

Note: do not use dashes when authorship is repeated. The author's surname and first name must be repeated whenever there is more than one reference by the same author.
For texts submitted in other languages (English, Spanish, or French), the most recent APA reference model may be used.

Note: Always try to leave links to the texts you have used, in order to popularize access to bibliographic sources. For the presentation of the link, choose to leave it with the hyperlink activated.


Reference examples on ABNT format.

Full book (with one author; editor; translator):
MAINGUENEAU, D. Novas Tendências em Análise do Discurso. 3.ed. Trad. Freda Indursky. Campinas: Pontes, 1997.


Full book (with two authors):
PERELMAN, C.; OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, L. Tratado da Argumentação: a nova retórica.. Trad. Maria Ermantina Galvão G. Pereira. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1996.


Full book (with various authors/organizers):
DIONYSIO, A. P.; MACHADO, A. R.; BEZERRA, M. A. (Orgs.). Gêneros textuais & ensino. 5.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna, 2007.


Book chapter (with organizer; page numbers):
MAINGUENEAU, D. Ethos, cenografia, incorporação. In: AMOSSY, R (Org.). Imagens de si no discurso: a construção do ethos. Trad. Dilson Ferreira da Cruz, Fabiana Komesu e Sírio Possenti. São Paulo: Contexto, 2005, p. 69-92.


SIQUEIRA, L. F. Edição semidiplomática de cartas de chamada de imigrantes portugueses (1911-1920). Dissertation (Master's Degree in Philology and Portuguese Language) - Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010. Available at: Accessed on: May 12. 2016.


Journal Article:
CORACINI, Maria José Rodrigues Faria. Análise do Discurso: em busca de uma metodologia. D.E.L.T.A. Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, v. 07 (1), p. 333-355, 1991.


Issues (the name of the magazine or newspaper is typed in UPPER CASE):
VEJA. São Paulo, edição 1775, ano 35, n.43, 30 out. 2002.


A Verdade sobre a PIMENTA: Termogênico NATURAL?. [S.l.: s.n.], 2023. 1 vídeo (08 min e 54 segundo). Published by Olá, Ciência. Available at: Accessed in: Oct 20, 2023




Placed after the references, preceded by the word APPENDIX, without indentation and numbering.




  • It is suggested that reviews have a minimum length of 2,000 and a maximum of 4,000 words (references are not counted).
  • File settings should be the same as for original articles.
  • Authorship information should also follow the same guidelines as for original articles.
  • The full reference of the work reviewed must be provided before the review itself begins.
  • Reviews must be of works published up to three (3) years prior to submission.



Final details:

Only articles sent through the journal's system will be accepted.

The authenticity of the articles is the authors’ responsibility.

v. 38, n. 2 (2025): Texto, Sociedade e Democracia

Esta seção destina-se a artigos e resenhas que nunca foram publicados.

38/3 (2025) : Dimensions chronotopiques des récits de vie féminins

This section is intended for articles and reviews that have never been published.

Déclaration de confidentialité

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.