The artifice of the popular: on Luiz Ruffato’s narrative mosaic


  • Nathalia Elisa Colli Universidade de São Paulo



Contemporary Brazilian literature, Literature and Society, Work and narrative


The theme of this brief introduction to the work of Luiz Ruffato are the narrative artifices that can give shape to the popular Brazilian and contemporary material worked by the author. If the tradition of proletarian literature goes back a long way, it is the changes seen in the world of work, as well as the growing social anomie caused by unemployment, that restructure the very way of narrating. In the Ruffatian text we have the latent concern of continuing to narrate what is known as the Brazilian people, however, here we try to demonstrate how this social restructuring gives another rhythm and order to the narrative and what are the many impasses found in the economy of the work in the transposition of the contemporary to literary virtuality.


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Author Biography

  • Nathalia Elisa Colli, Universidade de São Paulo

    Nathalia Colli é formada em Filosofia pela Unifesp e mestranda do Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada da USP, onde desenvolve pesquisa sobre o romance Inferno provisório, de Luiz Ruffato, pela CAPES.


ANTÔNIO, João. Malagueta, Perus e Bacanaço. Cosac & Naify: São Paulo, 2004.

CANDIDO, Antonio. “Na noite enxovalhada”. Remate de Males, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. 83–88, 2012.

PRATOLINI, Vasco. Histórias de pobres amantes. Abril Cultural: São Paulo, 1983.

RUFFATO, Luiz. Eles eram muitos cavalos. Boitempo editorial: São Paulo, 2001.

RUFFATO, Luiz. Histórias de remorsos e rancores. Boitempo editorial: São Paulo, 1998.

RUFFATO, Luiz. Inferno provisório. Cia das Letras: São Paulo, 2016.

RUFFATO, Luiz. Verão tardio, Cia das Letras: São Paulo, 2019.





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How to Cite

Colli, N. E. . (2023). The artifice of the popular: on Luiz Ruffato’s narrative mosaic. Magma, 28(18), 205-208.