Influxos políticos em Parque industrial: a forma literária da dissidência


  • João Carlos Ribeiro Jr. Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



modernism, Patrícia Galvão, proletarian novel, socialist realism, anarchism, Rosa Luzemburgo, Rosa Luxemburgo


This article explores the main guidelines that go through the aesthetics makings of Patrícia Galvão’s novel Parque Industrial, focusing on its political aspects. The work´s overall politically motivated tone tends to generate a certain discomfort on its readers, including the writer`s admirers, because its political commitment is viewed sometimes as sheer propaganda and other times as intellectual submission. Nevertheless, the analysis of the work`s programmatic bias and contradictions reveals critical choices hitherto hardly noticed. We will review then some features of the socialist realism, an aesthetics that was rising during the period in which the book was written, and emphasize the differences between its traits and the work under examination. We will also establish a relationship, rarely perceived by the critical studies, between the main characteristics of the anarchist`s literary production from the beginning of the 20th century and Galvão's novel. Finally, we will examine a decisive excerpt from the novel in order to highlight the unforeseen reception of Rosa Luxemburg's thought in Brazil.


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Author Biography

  • João Carlos Ribeiro Jr., Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

    Sociólogo e editor, é mestre e doutorando pelo Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada, FFLCH, USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 





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How to Cite

Ribeiro Jr., J. C. (2018). Influxos políticos em Parque industrial: a forma literária da dissidência. Magma, 25(14), 85-104.