The sinister glissando of the years: time and transcience in Carson McCullers’ short fiction




Carson McCullers, The sojourner, Time, American Short Fiction, 20th Century


This essay proposes an analysis of "The Sojourner," a short story penned by American author Carson McCullers, with a specific focus on the themes of time and transience within the narrative. Through close reading, our aim is to explore how these themes not only surface in the theme but also intricately shape the structure, ultimately portraying the improvisation of human existence. Delving into both the content and stylistic elements of the story, we aim to construct an interpretation that delves into the realms of memory, personal temporality, crises of inner life; and the pervasive sense of isolation—a theme which McCullers underscored as central to her fiction. Furthermore, we endeavor to draw connections between the societal backdrop of mid-20th century United States and the temporal experiences depicted within the story, particularly through the lens of disintegration as perceived by the protagonist, John Ferris.Our theoretical framework draws upon insights from esteemed critics including Walter Benjamin, Fredric Jameson, and the Brazilian critic Benedito Nunes, borrowing notably from Nunes' concept of "psychological time." Additionally, we integrate perspectives gleaned from critiques of McCullers' oeuvre as well as reflections from the author herself, shedding light on the underlying American ethos. Ultimately, our aim is to underscore how "The Sojourner" serves as a poignant exploration of humanity's struggle to navigate the relentless flow of time, its inevitable failures in attempting to assert control, and the enduring omnipresence of temporal forces.


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Author Biography

  • Giovana Proença Gonçalves, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Giovana Proença Gonçalves é doutoranda (Doutorado Direto) no Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada da FFLCH–USP. Tem textos sobre livros publicados em veículos como Estado de Minas, Estado de S. Paulo, Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, Quatro cinco um e Folha de S. Paulo.


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McCULLERS, Carson. “Olhem para casa, norte-americanos”. In: Coração hipotecado. Osasco: Novo Século Editora, 2010. p. 254-258.

McCULLERS, Carson. A Balada do café triste e outras histórias. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2009.

NUNES, Benedito. O tempo na narrativa. São Paulo: Editora Ática, 1995.

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How to Cite

Gonçalves, G. P. (2024). The sinister glissando of the years: time and transcience in Carson McCullers’ short fiction. Magma, 1(20), 63-73.