An Essay on Donald J. Trump’s Uprise


  • Ariel Finguerut UNESP / Projeto sem Diplomacia
  • Thayris de Oliveira Centro Universitário Senac



Donald J. Trump, Populism in the USA, Post-Truth, Islam.


The purpose of this essay is to discuss the rise of Donald J. Trump, his ideas, and political strategies by analyzing both the domestic context and its impact on the international projection of the United States. In this line we discuss concepts such as political polarization, populism, post-truth and the manipulation of the fear especially against Islam.


Author Biographies

  • Ariel Finguerut, UNESP / Projeto sem Diplomacia

    Doutor em Ciência Política pela Unicamp, pesquisador do Projeto Sem Diplomacia (UNESP, San Tiago Dantas e Acessória de Imprensa da UNESP) e o Grupo de Trabalho Oriente Médio Mundo Muçulmano (GT OMMM) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

  • Thayris de Oliveira, Centro Universitário Senac

    Graduada em Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário Senac, São Paulo. 



How to Cite

Finguerut, A., & de Oliveira, T. (2017). An Essay on Donald J. Trump’s Uprise. Malala, International Journal of Studies on the Middle East and the Muslim World, 5(8), 15-35.