10 years later

Did the Arab Spring fail?


  • Paul Aarts Universiteit van Amsterdam




The self-immolation of the Tunisian street vendor Mohammed Bouazizi on the 17th of December 2010 led to a wave of protests in the Arab world. Now, gloom reigns allover. (Civil) wars, repression and growing unemployment plague the region like never before. The ‘double crisis’ of the collapsed oil market and COVID-19 further deepened existing problems. Was the Arab Spring doomed to fail? Which lens should we look through to understand the potential of the waves of protests?


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Author Biography

  • Paul Aarts, Universiteit van Amsterdam

    Paul Aarts é professor aposentado de Relações Internacionais no Departamento de Ciência Política (Universidade de Amsterdã). Foi co-fundador da ZemZem, uma revista holandesa sobre o Oriente Médio, o Norte da África e o Islã. Desenvolveu o programa “Zeytun Academic Exchange” com institutos acadêmicos em vários países do Oriente Médio. Escreve principalmente sobre os países do Golfo, particularmente a Arábia Saudita. Suas publicações incluem Saudi Arabia: A Kingdom in Peril (Oxford University Press 2015, co-escrito com Carolien Roelants) e Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs (New York University Press 2006, editado com Gerd Nonneman). Site https://www.uva.nl/profiel/a/a/p.w.h.aarts/p.w.h.aarts.html?cb.






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