Muslim women and the use of hijab in the west: the importance of multinormativity in guaranteeing individual freedoms


  • Gabrielle Souza O' de Almeida UNISINOS



Individual Freedoms, Women Rights, Hijab, Muslim Women, Fundamental Rights


This article aims to investigate the issue around the use of hijab, the scarf used by part of the women in the Islamic religion, in the context of the West, especially in Europe, where some countries even forbid its use, showing an evident act of religious intolerance. With a deep analysis, both the Islamic feminism movement, which defends the freedom of choice of using the hijab as an identity and faith expression, and the contrary current, which argues that the religion itself grants this equality between men and women, are explored. The key point of this article is the multinormativity discussion, in a global context, as a way to defend the individual freedom of women in their choice of clothing, independently of their religious faith, and to avoid state interferences in personal religious issues. It argues that the respect to multinormativity is essential to ensure the cultural and religious diversity in western democracies, reinforcing the respect to human rights and individual autonomy. The results of this research point to the need for a plural approach that is not intolerant on the part of the western “democracies,” to recognize the religious and cultural diversity of contemporary societies. Also, it highlights the importance of promoting a constructive intercultural dialogue, seeking solutions the respect the human dignity and freedom of expression of Muslim women. Finally, we hope that this article contributes to a more empathetic and understanding look on the hijab issue in the West, promoting a harmonious coexistence between different cultures and religions.


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How to Cite

Souza O' de Almeida, G. (2023). Muslim women and the use of hijab in the west: the importance of multinormativity in guaranteeing individual freedoms. Malala, 11(14), 99-111.