Multisemiotic Literacy: from reading to literary production. Building toy-books


  • Cláudia Fabiana Órfão Gaiola Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Giovana Tolesani Camargo Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Campinas



reading, writing, dialogism, production of toy-books.


The present study refers to the elaboration of a toy book by primary school students, aiming the development of taste and the ability of reading and writing. The proposal was made in the academic year of 2018 in the perspective of Bakhtin's studies and the Historical-Cultural theory. In this line, the different genres reading gained meanings by the classroom dialogues, allowing the students the relation between them, and between them and the different elements that compose children's literature (word, image, imaginary and playing), and between them and the teacher. At the end of the project the students were engaged in reading and writing practice, expanding the cultural repertoire and understanding possibilities, and becoming more creative.


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How to Cite

Gaiola, C. F. Órfão, & Barbosa, G. T. C. (2019). Multisemiotic Literacy: from reading to literary production. Building toy-books. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 37, 155-167.