The poetics of More Plus More is Less: intermittent dialogue among layers, collages, covers, colours, stains, pages, words, silhouettes and monotyping




childhood, ludic artifact, Children Literature, book-object, children’s book.


For the 2011 reissue of the book More Plus More is Less, the author Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós invited as illustrators, the graphic designers and brothers Marcelo Drummond and Marconi Drummond. From the cover, one can notice at first glance, the intention to provoke the reader, in the ‘verbovisual game’ throughout the visual project. For the illustrations, both artists used the analogic creative process in monotyping and finished them with silhouettes in digital collages. In the following article, it is intended to review the book-object in all its poetics, the creative gesture of the illustrators in collecting silhouettes, moved by the fictional pact (the stingy and bureaucratic personality of the protagonist of the story) and the encounter of words and images on the page (juxtaposition), resulting in levels of paste-ups that provide fruition of different layers of reading. The understanding of this encounter of words and images, aligned to the concepts arranged by Leo H. in The intersemiotic transposition: for a pragmatic classification in the work Poetics of the visible by Márcia Arbex, aim at qualifying the book studied as the book-visual object as a visual device for providing a multimodal reading experience.


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Author Biography

  • Cássia Macieira, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais

    Professora na UEMG - Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Escola de Design - Graduação em Artes Visuais UFMG: Bacharelado em Cinema de Animação; Licenciatura em Letras U. Especialização em Antropologia . Mestrado em Artes / UFMG (1999-2001) e Doutorado em Literatura Comparada: Literatura, outras Artes e Mídias UFMG (2010-2014). Membro do Grupo Intermídia UFMG /CNPq. Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Artefatos Lúdicos - CNPq. Membro da ATEBEMG - Associação de Teatro de Bonecos de MG; Membro da ABTB - Associação Brasileira de Teatro de Bonecos. Membro: UNIMA - Union Internationale de la Marionnette. Membro do Comitê de Pareceristas da Móin-Móin Revista de Estudos Sobre Teatro de Formas Animadas / UDESC. Membro do Conselho Editorial da Revista Tranverso/UEMG. Bonequeira Atriz ( SATED SRTE/MG 10686 ) . Atua em: artefatos lúdicos (bonecas/os, brinquedos e livros infantis). 


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How to Cite

Macieira, C. (2019). The poetics of More Plus More is Less: intermittent dialogue among layers, collages, covers, colours, stains, pages, words, silhouettes and monotyping. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 37, 8-24.