How do YouTube algorithms calculate value?

An analysis of the production of value for digital music videos using the social logic of the derivative




YouTube, Value gap, Financialization of everyday life, Social logic of the derivative


The article analyses the production of monetary values for music videos embedded on YouTube based on the theory of the social logic of the derivative. Using the value gap debate as a starting point, the hypothesis is that the method used to create monetary value for digital videos is the same technique developed in the derivative market. This phenomenon results in the generation of inconstant monetary values which entails, in turn, serious consequences for the social order of the record market in the digital age.


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo De Marchi, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    Visiting Professor at the School of Communications at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and permanent member of the Post-Graduation Programme in Communications at the same University.


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How to Cite

De Marchi, L. (2018). How do YouTube algorithms calculate value? An analysis of the production of value for digital music videos using the social logic of the derivative. MATRIZes, 12(2), 193-215.