Possibilities, reality and challenges of citizen communication on the web





Social movements, Online social networks, Citizen communication


Text about the social participation enhanced by online media and networks. The objective is to reflect on the appropriation of cyberspace by popular social movements, as well as paying attention to the contrapositions of the role of online media and networks and their potentiality in the mobilizing articulation. The study starts from a bibliographical research to briefly situate aspects of the theoretical debate on technologies and the internet, and then to reflect on some of the social practices carried out in the relation between popular movements and the Internet. It is considered that the Internet has broadened the possibilities for popular, communitarian and alternative communication, which is renewed in its language, format, importance and scope.


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Author Biography

  • Cicilia Maria Krohling Peruzzo, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

    Doctor in Communication Sciences by the Comunication and Arts program of the University of São Paulo (ECA – USP). Graduated Program teacher in Social Communication of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Productivity scholarship of CNPq.


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How to Cite

Peruzzo, C. M. K. (2018). Possibilities, reality and challenges of citizen communication on the web. MATRIZes, 12(3), 77-100. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v12i3p77-100