Archetype and catharsis in audiovisual narratives




Catharsis, Archetypes, Audiovisual narratives, Movie, TV series


Climax in movies and TV series is built by a combination of images and sounds that impact emotionally on the audience generating catharsis. The cathartic effect is essential in genres like adventure, western, and horror. This essay analyzes the role of archetypes as an emotional trigger for catharsis in audiovisual narratives. The article articulates theories about catharsis (Aristotle, Jauss) and archetype (Jung, Durand) to establish the basis of relations among them and to understand how they operate in examples of movies and TV series. Results show the archetypal opposition hero-monster acting as an emotional trigger in catharsis and the relation between archetypical images and historical-social context in cathartic scenes.


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Author Biography

  • Sílvio Antonio Luiz Anaz, Universidade de São Paulo

    Post-doctorate in Audiovisual Means and Processes at Escola de Comunicações e Artes of Universidade de São Paulo. Visiting scholar at School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design of York University.


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How to Cite

Anaz, S. A. L. (2021). Archetype and catharsis in audiovisual narratives. MATRIZes, 15(2), 73-93.