What is punitive populism? A typology based in media communication
https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v15i1p77-102Mots-clés :
Punitive populism, Media, Political ideology, Penal populism, PunitivenessRésumé
Punitive populism refers to political leaders’ use of tough-on-crime rhetoric and policies to win elections and popular support. Yet, this basic definition does not capture the range of ways the practice manifests itself. Refining the concept, this article identifies three key types of punitive populism: authoritarian, conflicted, and accountable. The typology highlights the intersecting importance of media systems and political ideology to the definition of each type. Reflecting on over fifteen years of research on the topic, the article is centred on concept development, with illustrative examples from Argentina and Chile.
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