Other zoos: animals’ affection and poetics from the book “Ave, palavra”
animals, Ave, palavra, João Guimarães RosaAbstract
This paper analyzes images of animals from fi ve texts byJoão Guimarães Rosa published in Ave, palavra. In these
texts, called “Zoos”, Rosa describes animals from zoos
and public gardens, instead of writing about Brazilian
fauna from the innerland. The paper delineates the
similarities and diff erences between the “Zoos” and
outlines several linguistic features used by Rosa in these
poetic zoological images.
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How to Cite
Borysow, V. da C. (2010). Other zoos: animals’ affection and poetics from the book “Ave, palavra”. Opiniães, 1(1), 83-95. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-8133.opiniaes.2010.108644