Um útero as a performative machine: a reading of Um útero é do tamanho de um punho in the world


  • Juliana de Assis Beraldo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Angélica Freitas, Performative machine, Literature, World, Women, Contemporary Brazilian poetry


Um útero é do tamanho de um punho (2012), by Angélica Freitas, presents discursive commonplaces about women using different procedures. The book has obtained a significative reception and became a starting point of relevant readings that focused both poetic and political aspects. This paper has as central interest the mapping of some of the unfolding and ways of functioning of the book in different spheres: from the context of its own production and primary concerns, to the perception of how it establishes relations with other contemporary works. The proposal is to reflect upon the book as a performative machine, following the discussions by Aguilar and Cámara (2017). It is about an approach that intends to analyze the diverse signs that may compose the field of the poems permitting to raise discussions on the notions of literary, aesthetic and political. This way, this work aims to foster studies about poetic and critical politics, comprehending literature as an expanded field (KRAUSS, 1979) and seeking possibilities and experiments in the critical method through an experience of signs dehierarchization. Therefore, it encourages to reflect about the way poems circulate and impact society promoting other political configurations.


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Author Biography

  • Juliana de Assis Beraldo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Graduada em Letras Português-Inglês pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, é mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Literatura (UFRJ).


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Performatividade e Campo expandido na Literatura brasileira

How to Cite

Beraldo, J. de A. (2020). Um útero as a performative machine: a reading of Um útero é do tamanho de um punho in the world. Opiniães, 16, 89-105.