The Sublime and the Hunger




Sublime, Aesthetics, The Hunger, Rodolfo Teófilo, Naturalism


The present paper aims to investigate the manifestation of the concept of Sublime – in its many variants – in A fome: cenas da seca no Ceará [The Hunger: Scenes from the Drought in Ceará] (1890), the debut novel by north-eastern Brazilian naturalist Rodolfo Teófilo (1853 – 1932). Assuming that several theories of the Sublime are present in Teófilo's prose, we first trace a brief history of the Sublime as a concept in the fields of aesthetics and art criticism to support the analysis of the novel; To this end, we discuss the contributions of Longino (1996), Burke (1993), Kant (1995) and Schiller (2011) for the formation and consolidation of the concept of Sublime. Based on the literary analysis, we conclude that the sweeping aesthetic effect of the Sublime is the touchstone of A fome. Kantian dynamic and mathematical sublime are mixed with Burkean astonishment and the Schillerian pathetic sublime, resulting in an unique amalgamation that ornate with grandeur and tragedy the torment of the sertanejos affected by the most devastating drought in Brazilian north-eastern history.


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Author Biography

  • Edson José Rodrigues Júnior, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

    Edson José Rodrigues Júnior é doutorando em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada pela Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP). Mestre em Teoria da Literatura pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGL/UFPE).


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