The double glass ceiling: they arrived, but they have to prove that communication is strategic.


  • Ana Inés Pepe Arias Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Mónica Arzuaga-Williams Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Matías Balarini Gómez Universidad Católica del Uruguay



Glass ceiling, Gender equity, Organizational communication, Professionals, Uruguay


Although the field of organizational communication in Uruguay is made up of an overwhelming majority of women, half of the communication units are led by men. The professionals surveyed in the 2020 Latin American Communication Monitor indicated that the glass ceiling directly affects them. We interviewed professionals of both sexes to find out their perception and found that the legitimacy of the role, homophily, and the social and organizational culture are the main causes of this problem.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Inés Pepe Arias, Universidad Católica del Uruguay

    Magíster en Estudios Organizacionales de Universidad de San Andrés (UDESA; Bs.As. Argentina).
    Profesora del Departamento de Estudios Organizacionales de Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU).

  • Mónica Arzuaga-Williams, Universidad Católica del Uruguay

    Doctora en Comunicación, Programa Interuniversitario de Doctorado en Comunicación de las universidades de Sevilla, Málaga, Huelva y Cádiz (España). Profesora del Departamento de Estudios Organizacionales de Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU).

  • Matías Balarini Gómez, Universidad Católica del Uruguay

    Magíster en Estudios Organizacionales de Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU). Profesor del Departamento de Estudios Organizacionales de UCU.


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How to Cite

PEPE ARIAS, Ana Inés; ARZUAGA-WILLIAMS, Mónica; GÓMEZ, Matías Balarini. The double glass ceiling: they arrived, but they have to prove that communication is strategic. Organicom, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 19, n. 40, p. 139–150, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-2593.organicom.2022.201234. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.