Family functioning of people with disabilities: cluster-based analysis
People with disabilities, Family, PrejudiceAbstract
Disability tends to impact family functioning in different ways. The aim of this study was to investigate the family functioning clusters of people with disabilities, comparing them in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, social support, autonomy, and prejudice. A sociodemographic questionnaire, Family Cohesion and Flexibility Rating Scale, Prejudice Scale and Social Support Satisfaction Scale (SS) were used in 205 people. Three clusters were identified: Low, Medium, and High Family Functioning (FF). The low FF group had the lowest levels of SS and highest levels of prejudice; whereas the high FF group was characterized by higher education, higher SS, and lower prejudice. In conclusion, the relevance of understanding disability and its impact on FF is highlighted from a broader viewpoint, which relates it to psychosocial variables (prejudice, SS and schooling), beyond the issue of the injury itself.
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