Intersectionality Theory, Challenges for Empirical Research and Contributions to Psychology




intersectional framework, empirical research, psychology


The Theory of Intersectionality is an important contribution from feminist epistemologies to the scientific field. This narrative literature review aims to discuss methodological possibilities and challenges in producing and analyzing empirical evidence based on the Theory of Intersectionality, as well as its contributions to Psychology. While this theory is increasingly being cited as the basis for empirical research, articulating its assumptions in knowledge production processes is still a difficulty. Qualitative approaches prevail in the field, but advancements in statistical analysis methods allow for an intersectional interpretation in quantitative studies. Intersectionality contributes to understanding psychological processes and challenging dominant and exclusionary assumptions in the field of Psychology. Embracing this theory requires a commitment to the imperative of social transformation and entails placing claims, values, practices, and power relations at the core of scientific knowledge production, regardless of the field under study.


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Thematic Dossier “Methodological Challenges in Psychology: Contributions to Academic Practice and Training”

How to Cite

Arnoud, T. de C. J., Chotgues, J. de O., Marques, S. S., & Habigzang, L. F. (2024). Intersectionality Theory, Challenges for Empirical Research and Contributions to Psychology. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 33, e3327.