Bat species composition associated with restinga lagoons from the Paulo César Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Atlantic Forest, Chiroptera, Community, PEPCV, Riparian vegetationAbstract
Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (‘Feia’ and ‘Vermelha’ lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (‘Caraís’ lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the ‘Caraís’ lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the ‘Vermelha’ lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the ‘Vermelha’ are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. ‘Vermelha’ lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.
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