Anuran diversity of four taxocenoses of the subtropical Atlantic Forest from Santa Catarina and Paraná states Brazil
Species richness, Species composition, Inventory, Atlantic Forest, ConservationAbstract
Local fauna inventories provide primary key information on diversity and distribution of species for conservation purposes. The Atlantic Forest holds 50% of anuran species in the country and the main threats to the conservation of this fauna are habitat reduction and fragmentation. The present study brings information on the local richness and species composition of four anuran taxocenoses from the subtropical Atlantic Forest of Paraná and Santa Catarina states, Brazil. Data collection included breeding sites surveys (N = 56) and literature review. Richness and beta diversity were compared through rarefaction/extrapolation curves, local contribution to beta diversity (LCBD), beta partitioning and cluster analysis. Anuran from 46 species were registered and local richness differences were observed on the rarefaction/extrapolation curves and on asymptotic analysis. Nevertheless, the LCBD did not detect differences in species composition among the four taxocenoses. The turnover was the predominant component of beta diversity. The geographical distances explain species composition for all localities compiled in this study. The differences among local richness may be related to environmental impacts, emphasizing the need for conservation of biodiversity in the remnants of Atlantic forest.
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Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis
Grant numbers 233/2010;80/2010;173/2010;05/2012 -
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers 167888/2014-5