First report of Peckia (Squamatodes) ingens (Walker, 1849) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) colonizing human corpse in the Neotropical region
Flesh flies, Peckia, Cadaverous colonization, Forensic EntomologyAbstract
We report a case of male corpse colonization found inside a residence in the municipality of Areia, Paraíba, Brazil. The body was found in the gaseous stage of decomposition and was colonized by fly larvae. We reared the larvae collected at the crime scene on a temperature-controlled. We supplied beef as a feeding substrate for the larvae until adult emergence to allow taxonomic identification. Three specimens of Peckia (Squamatodes) ingens emerged in the laboratory. Thus, we present the first record of the flesh-fly Peckia (S.) ingens colonizing a human corpse in Neotropical region, updating the list of species with forensic potential. In addition, information on the total time of the species development and the implications of these findings for the consolidation of forensic entomology in the Northeast region were discussed.
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