Breeding biology of the Maguari Stork Ciconia maguari (Aves, Ciconiidae) in the Pampa, and an outline in other Brazilian biomes
Aves, Citizen science, Humid area, Nest, ReproductionAbstract
The Maguari Stork (Ciconia maguari) is one of the three species of the family Ciconiidae that occur in South America. Despite abundant in landscapes dominated by wetlands and grasslands, detailed studies on its biology are scarce. This study is aimed at investigating aspects of the breeding of Maguari Storks in Brazil. Photographic records were searched in the WikiAves database. A total of 65 records, obtained by citizens along 13 years in 32 municipalities, showed evidences of breeding activities in Brazil. Most (86%) of these records were gathered in the Pampa biome, in southern Brazil. Nests were large platforms and contained 1-3 young. Nests built on the ground were in grasslands or reed patches. Those built on shrubs were at boundaries between lakes and grasslands, and were often in colonial nesting sites with egrets and herons. Incubation occurred between July and November, and nestlings were found between August and December. Juveniles able to fly were recorded between late October and February. Most records of breeding activities were obtained at sites located < 300 m above sea level. As the Maguari Stork is a conspicuous and charismatic species, its conservation could substantially benefit from the awareness of landowners to promote eco-tourism in their properties, attracting birdwatchers. For this, it should be ensured the integrity of grasslands, marshes, and lakes with microhabitats often used for nesting (woody plants and reed patches).
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