Evaluation of the population dynamics of blowfly Lucilia purpurascens using life tables conducted in the field and laboratory under various environmental conditions





Myiasis, Fluctuating temperatures, Constant temperatures, Two sex, Sex ratio


The members of the Calliphoridae family (Insecta: Diptera) have a meaningful impact on human and animal health, and they also have forensic significance. The objective of this work was to provide information to the health system (medical-veterinary) about the life cycle of Lucilia purpurascens (Walker) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) by obtaining life tables that allow analysing its population fluctuations under various environmental conditions in the field and laboratory. For this aim, three replicates of each experience were generated, each consisting of full oviposition. Throughout all seasons of the year, the daily mortality of individuals, from eggs to adults, has been monitored in the field. This was contrasted with laboratory experiences using average seasonal climate data. Using the gathered information, life tables for both sexes were constructed. Most stages of development differed between the seasons investigated in the field and the laboratory, with Postfeeding Larvae and Pupa exhibiting a greater mortality. In all seasons, feeding larval mortality was extremely low. This study demonstrates that imago populations in nature are less abundant than those obtained by laboratory breeding. Despite this, the larvae are successful while eating, and this is the condition that has the biggest impact on the medical-veterinary environment.


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How to Cite

Acosta, X. G. del M., Flores, V. A., Corronca, J. A., & Centeno, N. D. (2024). Evaluation of the population dynamics of blowfly Lucilia purpurascens using life tables conducted in the field and laboratory under various environmental conditions. Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia, 64, e202464028. https://doi.org/10.11606/1807-0205/2024.64.028