First record of Juan Fernández Petrel Pterodroma externa (Salvin, 1875) in Brazil




Procellariidae, Southwestern Atlantic, New occurrence


We document the first recorded occurrence of a Juan Fernández Petrel Pterodroma externa specimen in São Paulo State, South Atlantic, Brazil. This finding improves our understanding of the distribution of this pelagic species, which is rarely observed along the coast. It also suggests that unusual oceanographic conditions may disorient seabirds, causing them to appear in atypical areas.


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Original Article

How to Cite

Barbosa, C. B., Sánchez-Sarmiento, A. M., Ferioli, R. B., Leonardi, S. B., Britto, M. de K. e, Alvarenga, F. S., Nascimento, C. C. do, Serafini, P. P., Kampel, M., & Gallo-Neto, H. (2024). First record of Juan Fernández Petrel Pterodroma externa (Salvin, 1875) in Brazil. Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia, 64, e202464037.