On the inconstancy of fortune. The theory and methodology of restoration in european context





History of restoration, Theory of restoration, Conservation in the European context, Built heritage, School of restoration of Rome


The attribution of value to certain vestiges of the past, in Western Europe, found itself directly correlated with the notion of authenticity and progressively tended to the study of the object and later to the conservation of its matter, understood as a material witness in perpetual transformation and the only guarantee to any other possibility of interpretation and conservative intent. This text begins by exploring some historical and conceptual aspects of restoration and the emergence and development of heritage’s tutelage, as it is understood today in Europe, going through several theoretical contributions, in order to delineate significant variations of the theoretical support and the correlated methodologies. It does not revert to the objectives of this synthetic “approach to restoration”, the exhaustive examination of its origins and patrimonial practices in the European context – literature in this field is extensive and current – only evoke some decisive moments
in the evolution of its theoretical and practical organization. The format of the text imposes a limited choice of actors and texts, necessarily arbitrary.


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Author Biography

  • Lisandra Franco de Mendonça, Sapienza Università di Roma. Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura

    Lisandra Franco de Mendonça is an architect and urban planner. She was educated at Porto University and at the Sapienza University of Rome. She received her PhD from Coimbra University in 2016, with a dissertation on the conservation of modern architecture and urban ambience in Maputo (Mozambique).
    Her research field is the history of 19th and 20th centuries built production under dictatorial and colonial regimes in Europe and Africa. Within this field, she develops an interrogative view oriented towards the conservation of modern ensembles, focusing especially on patrimonial transferences, translocal spatial production and relations between European and African parallel modernities. She has published scientific articles and given lectures on these topics at several universities in Europe and Africa and at conferences with a scientific selection committee.


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How to Cite

Mendonça, L. F. de. (2019). On the inconstancy of fortune. The theory and methodology of restoration in european context. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 26(49), e148965. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-2762.posfau.2019.148965