The body meets Apolo and Dionísio: powers and fragilities


  • Vilene Moehlecke Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Tania Mara Galli Fonseca Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Body, Art, Aesthetics, Awareness


We intend to discuss the body that cant stand anymore and we want to think about its relationship with aesthetics. First, we think about the Apollonian-Dionysian art dimension, as referred by Nietzsche. In this manner, Apollo sends us to the beauty of shapes and dance techniques, while Dionysus brings the meaning of drunkenness, risk and intensity. Contemporary dance is made from entwining both, increasing the potential of the paradoxes of the body. In this meaning, the body that can not stand anymore expresses a power of the body, a capacity for not standing old shapes and it may produce new changes. Ítalo Calvino discusses literature as a way to get new expressions. Thus, the writing body may do not stand anymore the old words, in order to create new meanings and new languages. Finally, we talk about whether the psi practices are searching for not standing anymore its own hardness, the old truths, the same doings, in order to create new interventions and studying new knowledge.


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How to Cite

The body meets Apolo and Dionísio: powers and fragilities. (2008). Psicologia USP, 19(3), 375-392.