The place of the affective experience in the genesis of the subjectivation processes


  • Carlos Augusto Peixoto Junior Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Clínica
  • Márcia Arán Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Instituto de Medicina Social



Affection, Subjectivation, Attunement, Vitality


Given the importance and the relevance of the affects in the genesis of the subjectivation processes, this article has as its central objective to discuss the theses formulated by Daniel Stern, author who has focused, in recent years, detailed comments on the primary processes of subjectivation of the infant, giving a special attention to the subject of the affective experience. Starting from a localization of the affects in his theory, we discuss the temporal form of feelings in the context of the interpersonal relations, to discuss then two of the main concepts formulated by him: vitality affects and the affective attunement. Throughout this discussion other relevant subjects will also be contemplated, such as the notions of affective interaction, empathy and emotional communication.


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How to Cite

The place of the affective experience in the genesis of the subjectivation processes. (2011). Psicologia USP, 22(4), 725-746.