Feathered Conch and Tlaloc in Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica: A Comparative Approach with the Northwest Amazon


  • Dimitri Karadimas Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale




Pre-Hispanic iconography, Mesoamerica, Teotihuacan, Tlaloc, Northwest Amazon, ritual flutes and trumps


When the ritual flutes from the Northwest amazon are played during initiation, they symbolically bring the adolescents to “die” and “reborn” them as adult men. The ritual scenography grasps into insects’ metamorphosis the analogy of the social “skin-changing” that the initiates are going to undergo and construct one of the flutes or trumps giving it the shape of the butterfly’s chrysalis as a model. Seen as larvae themselves, the adolescents are parasitized by adult men to become warriors and identify themselves to the wasps that take possession of this transforming chamber. This article, by examining these contemporary ritual developments, propose to analyze the conch shell-horn in pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica, an artifact represented in images on the walls of the temples of Teotihuacan and that appears to be linked as much to Quetzalcoatl as to the Tempest and RainGod Tlaloc. By presenting that the civilizations of this cultural area use the same images as in the Northwest Amazon, it is possible to build an analysis of various enigmatic figures to show that the same reference to parasitism occurs in Mesoamerica


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Living Beings and Artifacts: Intertwining Vital and Technical Processes in Mesoamerica and in Lowland South America

How to Cite

Karadimas, D. (2016). Feathered Conch and Tlaloc in Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica: A Comparative Approach with the Northwest Amazon. Revista De Antropologia, 59(1), 108-144. https://doi.org/10.11606/2179-0892.ra.2016.116914