Acoustic Bodies: Instruments and Masters in Kuikuro Music (Upper Xingu, Brazil)


  • Tommaso Montagnani Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale



Kuikuro, Music, Xingu, Artifacts, Life


In this text I aim to describe the imputation of vitality to the artifact in the context of Kuikuro instrumental music. The musical instruments, during the course of their existence, serve as intermediaries in the connection between humans and spirits. Humans offer food and water to the instruments, the flutes turn the spirits' voice audible to the audience. The complexity of rituals actions requiring the use of musical artifacts is particularly evident when observing the remit of the role of master (-oto-). Several kinds of ritual characters participate in different ways to the process of vitalization of the instruments, while being themselves submitted to the influence of the musical artifact in their lives


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Living Beings and Artifacts: Intertwining Vital and Technical Processes in Mesoamerica and in Lowland South America

How to Cite

Montagnani, T. (2016). Acoustic Bodies: Instruments and Masters in Kuikuro Music (Upper Xingu, Brazil). Revista De Antropologia, 59(1), 201-223.