“Orientate Yourself, Boy!”: What Might Anthropologists Say to Religious Pastors, Geneticists and so Many “Others” about the Controversy over the Causes of Homosexuality?
Homosexuality, Genetics, Pentecostalism, BrazilAbstract
This paper discusses the controversy that arose from an interview broadcast by a Brazilian television channel during which a prominent Pentecostal pastor denied any biological basis for what he termed homosexualism, recommending that “patients” should convert to heterosexualism. The interview provoked comments from actors in the fields of religion (evangelical) and science (genetics/biology) on the possible causes of homosexuality. The paper examines the repercussions of this controversy among Brazilian LGBT activists and among anthropologists. It revisits the classical opposition between essentialist and constructivist perspectives, which the controversy brought to the fore and ends with an anthropological approach suggesting that the conflict between these perspectives should itself be understood as a problem for further researchDownloads
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