What Does a Road Do? Infrastructural Alterations in Southern Chile


  • Cristóbal Bonelli Universidade de Amsterdã
  • Marcelo González Gálvez Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Chile




Roads, Infrastructure, Mapuche, Immanent Mind, Ontological Alterations


In this article we offer an account of the socio-material transformation that has triggered the building of roads in the indigenous worlds in southern Chile. Taking our starting point from Bateson’s theory of the “immanent mind”, we attempt to comprehend and conceptualize the capacities of roads to reconstitute radically a relationally constituted world, a world that is therefore in itself contingent. By means of our ethnographic explorations, we propose that the road does not make alterations possible simply by promoting contact, interconnections, and intercultural relations, but also by altering the world materially, promoting “inter-socio-material” relations determined infrastructurally. Finally, we suggest that the material alteration of the world produces uncertain results, including possibly its own destruction. In this sense, this article discusses ethnographically the problem of ontological selfdetermination in infrastructural terms


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Dossier - Cosmopolitics and Relational Ontologies among Indigenous and Traditional Peoples in Latin America

How to Cite

Bonelli, C., & González Gálvez, M. (2016). What Does a Road Do? Infrastructural Alterations in Southern Chile. Revista De Antropologia, 59(3), 18-48. https://doi.org/10.11606/2179-0892.ra.2016.124804