Carnal Words: About Re-Remembering and Re-Forgetting, Being and Not Being, among the Sons of Erepecuru
Remnants of Quilombos, Ontology, Forgetfulness, Words, BodyAbstract
In this work, I explore the analytical potential of what Martin Holbraad calls ‘ontographic method’, based on the reflections of the Sons of Erepecuru about the process of remembering and forgetting reports about their ancestors, and the performance of these words on the body. The first step is a consideration of the importance that the Sons confer to the forgetfulness of their reports about the arrival of the ancients to the river Erepecuru, in the city of Oriximiná, state of Pará. From this ethnographic question, I describe how the need to forget and the care inherent to the act of remembering are related to the power of words to mobilize forces and feelings, healings and diseases, into the person. Such ethnographic reflection makes it possible to suggest how language and experience are related by the Sons of the Erepecuru, and how this relationship operates on the basis of a mobile ontologyDownloads
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