The Enchanted Time or the Ruses of Slow Men – A “Hypocritical” Dialogue with Michel de Certeau

A “Hypocritical” Dialogue with Michel de Certeau


  • Laurent Vidal Université de La Rochelle



Slow Men, Industrial Work, Daily Life, Rhythms, Resistance, Port Cities, Musical Creations


This article concerns the “whisper of societies”, that is the ordinary of days of the anonymous heroes of industrials societies. By assuming the posture of “braconnage” with the work of Michel de Certeau, we suggest at first the critical use of the metaphor proposed by Milton Santos in order to speak of the poor in modernity (the “slow men”) before creating a dialog with the work of sociologist Jean Duvignaud. Duvignaud suggests the observation of anomic situations as a way of observing the lost language of a society. After showing the ways in which the control of speed in the industrial era (also called “mechanical age”) turned slowness into a stigma associated to dominated groups, we present the ruses by which slow men make of slowness an element of resistance (slowing down the pace of work, going on strike…) or re-existence (in music and dances).


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Author Biography

  • Laurent Vidal, Université de La Rochelle
    Laurent Vidal é professor da Universidade de La Rochelle, diretor do Centre de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et Atlantique (CRHIA), professor convida- do da Universidade Federal de Goiás (2000) e da UFRJ (2008 e 2017). Autor, entre outros, de Mazagão: La Ville qui traversa l’Atlantique (2005, trad. bras., 2008), Les Larmes de Rio (2008, trad. bras., 2012) e co-organizador, entre outros, de La Ville au Brésil - XVIIIe-XXe siècles (2008) e Les Français au Brésil (2011).


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Special Issue - Michel de Certeau [in use]

How to Cite

Vidal, L. (2018). The Enchanted Time or the Ruses of Slow Men – A “Hypocritical” Dialogue with Michel de Certeau: A “Hypocritical” Dialogue with Michel de Certeau. Revista De Antropologia, 61(2), 40-54.